The summer was very busy not only with work but traveling to Northern Minnesota for WEDDINGS! My dear friend Lisa Ann Widner got married in Stephen, MN to Richard Lee! Congrats! I was very blessed to be apart of their big day. Their wedding was outside at her farm on probably one of the hottest weekends of the summer! The sweat just kept dripping. We had a wonderful time and share many stories, laughs, and tears.
The celebration was wonderful and of course the party afterwards! Dancing!!! I love it and we closed the dance down,way to go ladies!
People always say you meet your best friends in college, ITS TRUE!!! I'm finding its an interesting time in my life to transition from everyone living close and seeing each other often to spreading out across the states and starting our own lives. I don't particularly like it but it is so awesome to know how wonderful friends are.
Next the Stinar/Espe wedding, (the next weekend)! Greta and I met at Bluewater Covenant Bible Camp and I had met Tom before that through Rebekah his sister, another dear friend of mine. I definitely feel that Greta and I are very similar and think a lot alike, maybe you disagree Gretzky? Our time at camp was so wonderful and we became instant friends. Rebekah and I convinced her to move to Fargo and transfer colleges, which is where she met Tom, so good thing you came! There wedding was beautiful as well, and I was once again very blessed to be apart of their big day!
I love you both, The Lees and The Stinars!!!!
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