Welcome to Matoke Inn!! |
We landed in Entebbe Friday morning around 6:45 a.m. After we all got our luggage, (out of 8 people no one’s luggage was lost!) we found our taxi man Lawrence and went to Matoke Inn, in Kampala (about a 25 min ride). We were able to relax all of friday. We played games, ate, and talked to stay awake so we could adjust to the time change quicker, it definitely helped.
Front of Matoke Inn! A wonderful place! |
Saturday half of our group went into town. The rest of us, me included, stayed back at the Inn and relaxed. It was a great day to read, talk, eat, and meet some of the staff here. Sunday the other half, me included, went to church with Rhona, one of the office staff. Church was so great! It was outside under a large tent, the pastor was really great! This community of people has such a heart for prayer and loads of faith. So inspiring!
Backyard at Matoke Inn...so beautiful. There were even monkeys! |
After church she took us to a mall like area with a food court for lunch. It was different than a food court in the U.S. because when we sat down a person from each restaurant came up to you with their menu in hopes that you would choose their food. We then went to exchange our money and then to an area where there were many craft booths. They have beautiful jewelry, bags, baskets, paintings, and much more that I was so tempted to purchase! From there we went to the taxi park. This was quite amazing because there were probably 100 taxi buses (like mini vans) in an area where you could barely walk between them, I’m not sure how they get out of there.
My room at Matoke! Mosquito nets :) |
Kampala is the capitol of Uganda. It is a very busy, congested, lively, fun, and beautiful place. We stayed on a hill and as we walked down you could see over the city. Houses all along hills in between so much greenery. Africa is so beautiful!
Road heading down the hill..on the outside of the city |
love seeing where you're at friend! love you!