Sunday, November 6, 2011

Activities around SMILE!

Everyday at Smile is somewhat different. I feel like I’m seeing new kids everyday (which isn’t that surprising). To get a better look into Smile and what the kids here like to do I thought I’d show you some pictures of the activities that go on around Smile Africa grounds.
Kicking this ball around, made of plastic bags and rope!

Everyone always wants their photo taken when we bring out the camera!
They love FUTBOL!! So any chance they get, and have a futbol, they definitely play futbol. They also love this hopscotch game, where you throw the rock and have to pick it up on your way back. There are a couple rubber  tires  that they love to run around with and push with a stick. They love the playground equipment, especially the merry-go-rounds, and I’m sure I’ll learn a lot of new games and songs as time goes on.
Kids pushing the tire around!

Little Simon having lunch! It's Rice!
The day I was helping in the baby room during bath time I all of a sudden heard the girls screaming and yelling. This continued for several minutes so I went to see what was going on and here I found that the boys had found a medium sized lizard, black and orange, and were throwing it into the girls section of the showers! (Only in Africa) I told the boys to stop and he threw the lizard far into the grass in the opposite direction. As I walked back to the baby room, he went and got it and continued. I decided to not intervene anymore because I really didn’t want to get hit by the lizard. Poor little guy definitely didn’t make it through that game:(

Older girls washing dishes!

Hopscotch in action!


  1. How big was the lizard?? That's hilarious. Creative games, too (I'm talking about the plastic bags wrapped up into a ball.) Oh, I was going to ask, too, are the P1, P2, and P3 classes like grade levels? Just curious.

  2. What a great inspiration you are to all of us back in the states! God is good, all the time! Your Cousin Barb

  3. I'm glad it was a lizard and not a snake!!! Yikes!!!
