Having fun! (Hard to see the rope) |
Wow are these kids creative! I feel like kids back home are not challenged with their imagination enough, too many electronic and time wasting toys. While at Smile the other day I was sitting and playing with some kids and when I looked up these three girls were playing jump rope! I was like, "oh man that's fun but wait....what are they using? Grass." Isn't this great! And it was pretty sturdy too.
Smile kids are great at creating things out of anything they find. I noticed last week they have started to make ipods out of clay, including the ear buds. They have also made cameras, and phones out of the clay as well. I will put up some photos soon.
The saying is true one man's rubbish is another man's treasure!
Girls with their grass jump rope! |
So true. Love seeing their imaginations at work!