Sunday, June 3, 2012


As we are down to single digits of days left at Smile Africa. My mind is running. I am trying to be "in the moment", but yet, I am excited to be home to see family, friends, and begin my new journey at Graduate School. There is so much to think about, how to say good bye, how to pack, to bring closure to this chapter in my life and how to prepare myself for re-entering home.
We are each reading a book called, "ReEntry". SO beneficial...(I suggest ALL short-term or long term missionaries read this book). It compares this journey of going to a different country, learning a new culture, language, and being totally out of your comfort zone to an astronaut on a space journey headed back home.

 It is life changing..... and hard to explain. 

I have no idea how I will react to the materialism of the Western World, or the reactions to the stories I tell from my experience here. I know I have changed, but I can't really tell how.....yet. I want to say an apology prior to my returning, for all of you who I will see, for an irritated attitude, or drifting off and daydreaming. It will be hard to grasp the difference between life here and there. 

I do know that this journey has changed my life. I am so thankful God gave me the courage, strength, and support around me to do this, He is preparing me for......something. It has been good to chat with our fellow short-termers who have come and gone. To hear their experience of returning home. I know it is something that I cannot compare life here to life at just cannot compare. It is like a whole different world. 

Simon, is getting so big!

Smile Africa = Happy

Sweet Hugable Richard!

Paulo giving me a nice camera smile :)

Logose is getting so big!

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