Monday, July 8, 2013

Helping a Friend

Friends, Family and random blog readers! I know it has been some time since I have made a post and asking for money is not a good way to greet you all however; life is life.
My good friends Sarah Brishle, who served in Africa with me, is headed bak to KENYA! 
She is in need of $7,000, ASAP because she's leaving in AUGUST, to be able to go and teach in Africa for the year. This seems like a big number however:

If 200 people give $35 
or 100 people give $70 
or 50 people give $150
if any of these is a manageable amount for your budget please donate below.

Here is the link to give online!

Take a moment to consider it.

Thanks for helping me help a friend!! Making dreams come true!!

Blessings to ALL!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Now I take my School Counselors Advice!

#grumpycat #schoolcounseling #schoolcounselorsrock

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Today's School Counselor Advocacy Meme! 

#sociallyawkwardpenguin #schoolcounseling #schoolcounselorsrock

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Today's School Counselor Advocacy!

#adviceyodagives #schoolcounseling #schoolcounselorsrock

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Today's School Counselor Advocacy Meme!

#schoolcounselorsrock #schoolcounselor

Monday, April 1, 2013


Fun Fact:  School Counselors are master’s level counselors who are either
licensed or certified by the state. School counselors use a
comprehensive school counseling program in order to help students
succeed in school and in life.

School Counseling Advocacy

Hello Readers!

It has been a LONG TIME since I have written anything on here and I have so intended too! Oh how I wish Good Intentions would become a reality!

I am currently in progress of completing my masters in School Counseling.  One of the main things I have been learning is how Advocating for the School Counseling Profession is SO important! So many people, even teacher sin the same building as school counselors do not realize or understand what exactly the school counselor's role is.

For an Advocacy project in class my group and I have created memes to help advocate for school counselors through social media. We have been posting these to facebook, instagram, LinkedIn, ASCA (American School Counselors Association), twitter, and youtube.

Love to hear your feedback!!