Saturday, August 20, 2011


Definition of Overwhelm- 
-To surge over and submerge; engulf

-To affect deeply in mind or emotion
-To present with an excessive amount
-to overpower the thoughts, emotions, or senses of
- to overcome, as with a profusion or concentration of something
-to cover over or bury completely
-to weigh or rest upon overpoweringly

This is how I feel. Daily I am reminded of the encouragement and support of friends, family, coworkers, teachers, and random strangers that hear the story of my upcoming adventure. THANK YOU to all who have encouraged me to take this step of faith and go after a dream and step out of my comfort zone to see a world that is foreign to me and learn the ways of life in a different way. 
As you notice to the right I am about half way to my financial goal! WAHOO!!! So stinkin' amazing! Daily when envelopes are mailed back I am overwhelmed by the blessings of little notes, support and financial partnership! Praise the Lord, He is fulfilling His promise to me! He said He has it covered and He does! 
Have you been in a situation or position where your family, coworkers, organization, or anyone has told you great things about you? What they love about you? How awesome you are? What characteristics they love about you? - Recently in the Africa process people have been sharing things about me that just blow me away and I am overwhelmed by what encouragement they are saying and how awesome it is to have people speak truth into your life!
I am encouraging you, to step out tell others what you love about them, what strengths you see in them. It is the small things we remember!
Be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Leah!! you are an amazing woman of GOD and I know that each day in Uganda you will know God's strength and feel His presence because you will be completly dependent on HIm. Its amazing what God can do when He takes us out of our comfort zone! we will be praying!
    love you jordan and rebekah
