Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So this is what it feels to turn 25!

 This post may sound more selfish because its about my Birthday! But here’s how the day of turning 25 went!!
I was greeted at 6:30am on a skype date with the Tetzlaffs (Thanks Rox and Aaron!), then an unexpected skype date with Maddie!! I went down for breakfast and the girls here had blown up balloons and painted signs that they put up on the table in the restaurant downstairs!! I was very surprised!! Someone made a joke to Fred, a worker at the Crystal, how he forgot the candle and sure enough a few minutes later he came with a tall candle in an ashtray! He lit it and they all sang Happy Birthday to me!

When I got to Smile the kids sang Happy Birthday to me and I was greeted with lots of hugs, which is not unusual. We left Smile a bit early and went to the Rock Classic Hotel to swim and have dinner there! I had brought brownie mix with me, so glad I did, and I borrowed an oven from a missionary’s house to bake them. We then had ice cream, and brownies for dessert back at the Crystal. To top off the day I had SO MANY amazing notes and birthday wishes through email and facebook!!

I think I'm going to like 25!! I had a WONDERFUL Birthday!!!  Below are a couple videos and photos of how the day went!


  1. Oh, dear my students are so cute, and I loved the African Happy Birthday song too!

  2. Oh for sweet! Love the videos and so glad you had a blessed day!
